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May 01, 2017

On May 1st, MBC's owners were awarded the USSBA's "2017 National Person(s) of the Year" title. The Brewers Association highlighted the honor received by one of its own. Garrett Marrero has served on the BA's Board of Directors for two years.

May 01, 2017

Maui Brewing Co. among the list for Thrillist Magazine's Food & Drink section's "Best Craft Beer Breweries in Every US State".

Apr 27, 2017

"As the top small business in Hawaii, Maui Brewing will represent Hawaii in the national competition in Washington, D.C. as SBA kicks off National Small Business Week on Sunday and Monday."

Apr 24, 2017

Wondering about trying MBC's first pub on Oahu? Wonder no more. This blog review covers the beer, the food, the location, the music and more offered at Maui Brewing Company Waikiki.

Apr 21, 2017

Although a collection of small islands, Hawaii's is gaining craft beer breweries regularly. Here are the 4 "Must Visit" breweries across the islands according to American Craft Beer.

Apr 14, 2017

Greg Knue of the Bank of Hawaii sponsored Melanie Oxley and Garrett Marrero for the Best of Small Business/SBA Awards, and it paid off. The pair won "Person(s) of the Year" Award for their growth in business, using local ingredients whenever possible and maintaining 100% of their craft beer production locally, all while striving to become totally energy independent.

Apr 11, 2017

Over 60 entrepreneurs and 2 county representatives attended the event in which four small business owners from across Maui County, including Maui Brewing Co.'s Founder and CEO Garrett Marrero, presented to attendees the need to follow your personal dream and stay true to your own passion as a business owner.

Mar 30, 2017

From inception to packaging to tastings, Maui Brewing Company brewery tours packs information as well as souvenirs into their tours.

Mar 30, 2017

The addition of in-house hand-toasted coconut lends a delightful and distinct tropical aroma that carries through into the flavor.

Mar 16, 2017

For remaining steadfast in maintaining 100% of their craft beer production locally, using local ingredients whenever possible, while striving to become totally energy independent by the end of 2017, and for generously supporting local farmers and non-profits, the Small Business Persons of the Year Award for Hawaii is well-deserved by Garrett Marrero and Melanie Oxley.

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